The Real Global Threat
Addison Wiggin / August 13, 2024
“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
– George Santayana
Amid the rising threat of all out war in the Middle East and a US senator in-country rooting for the Ukraine incursion into Russian territory, today we have new insight into modern global warfare…
Over the years, it has been eye-opening to share the insights Grey Swan founding contributor John Robb has about the military industrial complex, their impact on domestic politics and how influential they are in crafting US foreign policy.
It’s shocking to me every time I talk to him how little citizens know about what our military is up to let alone where the fat checks from our defense budget go…
But that’s just my perspective. I’ll let you make up your own mind. I recommend you listen to the entire Wiggin Sessions we just recorded together. You won’t look at the headlines coming out of the Middle East, Ukraine or the South China Sea the same way again.
John is a former Navy Seal mission architect and boots on-the-ground commander. After retiring from that gig because it was too physically demanding, he turned his intellect to analyzing social media networks for Forrester Research and forecasting their impact while developing counter-terrorist strategies.
His first published work on social media for Forrester came out in 1995 a full decade before Facebook and Google were viable commercial efforts.
His book Brave New War (2007) was a groundbreaking analysis of the post 9-11 military strategy fighting global terror organizations like Al Qeda and Isis. And helped inform military commanders and strategists from all the military branches. The book earned him a role as an adviser to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Through his own private publishing group, Global Guerillas, Mr. Robb has continued developing his insights and informing groups that use his ideas in the financial markets, economic strategies… even marketing, as you’ll find out.
Modern Warfare and The Real Global Threat
Last night, Senator Lindsey Graham made headlines globally cheering the Ukraine army’s novel push into Russian territory.
Likewise, analysts – even in our own Grey Swan network – debated the veracity of claims that Iran is pushing a wider Mid-East war, not least by supporting Houthi, Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists with weapons, safe haven and financing.
The world is a volatile place. Mr. Robb believes that not only is the U.S. military-industrial complex’s desire to control all political events globally a fool’s errand destined to bankrupt the government, but it’s also the driving force behind what could ultimately be the financial ruin of the empire.
The details matter, of course. Specific details on how the Houthi rebels in Yemen and the Red Sea may actually encourage China’s invasion of Taiwan… and how the inevitable could trigger the collapse of the US dollar’s reserve currency status follow:
Read a transcript of the video here.
Today, I’m sharing Part I of our most recent interview. John’s insight is derived from observing the global footprint of the West’s military and how technology through satellites, drones and encrypted communications – and now AI — have evolved to a new phase of modern warfare far surpassing the kinetic frontlines of conflicts in the past.
So it goes,
Addison Wiggin
Founder, Grey Swan Investment Fraternity
P.S. Part I is critical to understanding the forecast John makes in the second half of our Wiggin Session interview. Part II is coming soon … so bone up… and stay tuned!